Proposed by ___________
WHEREAS: The (governing board) wishes to encourage friends and members of __________ to include ___________ in their wills, and to consider other forms of planned giving to ______________;
AND: The (governing board) recognizes that planned gifts, since they are typically made form members’/donors assets, rather than incomes, could greatly enhance ______________’s ability to maintain its facilities, increase mission giving and fund other programs;
AND: The (governing board) recognizes that an ongoing, long-term planned giving program with sufficient human resources and (governing board) support is important to success in encouraging planned gifts;
THEREFORE LET IT BE RESOLVED: That a (Planned Giving Subcommittee) be established for the purpose of designing and implementing an ongoing planned giving program at ______________. This standing subcommittee will report to, and coordinate its activities with, the _________________ Committee. Funding for the subcommittee’s work will be appropriated through the annual operating budget process.
The chair of the subcommittee will be appointed by ____________; membership will be open to members willing to make the commitment of time and talent to advance the work of the subcommittee.
The Planned Giving Subcommittee will report on its work and results regularly to ___________ and no less than annually to (governing board).
In the best planned giving program, board members play a vital role. In reailty, the board is not always aware of the planned giving program, or how important it is to the future, or especially of how they can support the effort.
A great program informs the board of just how important planned giving is to the future of the mission - and little ways that each board member can play a role in its success.
Consider a 20 minute briefing to the board. Planned Giving Navigator has a powerpoint briefing resource that is simple to edit to suit your needs.